Wednesday, 11 January 2017

The Great Winter Storm of 2016/17

This winter, we got to enjoy the company of Sayaka's family while spending the Christmas holiday in their hometown of Hiroshima, Japan. It was a great trip that refreshed my mind and inspired me to be a better me for my family, clients, and friends. However, I had to return home ahead of my wife and kids to prepare for the upcoming year, which we anticipate to be busier than the media hopes. This winter also saw Mother Nature surprise the South Coast of BC with what the rest of Canada considers normal. We had an actual Canadian winter, complete with frozen lakes, blankets of snow, and frigid temperatures. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and frustrated when we are clearly not prepared for or accustomed to being surrounded by snow for a long stretch. While such weather systems bring with it the inconvenience for commuters, the strenuous chore of shoveling the driveways, and the fight of the century...for salt, it was a wonderful sight to see all the people playing outside and having fun with it! I sure wished my family was here to enjoy it all with me. Here is how I will remember winter of 2016/17. 

Pond hockey

One of the treats of the recent cold snap was the frozen ponds around town. Growing up, I spent a lot of time at Trout lake, having lived only 1 block away as a child. I had only ever seen it frozen once but finally, this year I could proudly say that I got to skate on it. A Canadian tradition that we Vancouverites have never complained about and would happily trade in for our mild West Coast weather we usually enjoy, it was rather pleasant to see how a natural frozen sheet of ice can bring out a small-town atmosphere to the community. When I went, it was the second day after officials deemed it safe for public enjoyment, and literally thousands of people were seen skating on it. Pickup games formed with the power of one guy with a shovel and random strangers joined in and taking turns to etch out a rink. It was great teamwork and lots of fun! No one kept score and there was no discrimination against age, race, gender or religion. Maybe world peace is possible after all. We just need one guy with a shovel. 

Beautiful snow covered trails

An unexpected perk that I personally got to experience was the natural beauty of the snow-covered trails around Burnaby Lake. I frequently take walks around the 10.2 km Burnaby Lake Loop with our dog, Boke and it's a beautiful lake to begin with. But covered with snow, partially frozen lake with a back drop of ice capped mountains, snow covered trees and pure white trails can truly take your breath away. If you can tough out the -3-degree temperature, the added difficulty of stretches of icy trail and deep snow, it is worth a try without the long drive through winding roads outside of the city. 

Ice flowing down the Fraser River

Lastly, one of my favorite spots in the Lower Mainland is in New Westminster at the Quay. I often take the family to the River Market to have a tasty lunch with one of the top-notch vendors and go for a scenic stroll along the picturesque boardwalk. The wooden plank trail is lined with flowers and takes you along the mighty Fraser River, where tug boats and loggers are frequently seen at work. I went there in mid January and to my surprise, ice was flowing down the river! I imagined seeing a stranded penguin or polar bear on one of these patches of ice like the documentaries of the arctic but it was just plain slow moving ice. Maybe it was just me but I found it so peaceful to observe the movement of pieces of ice flowing down a river wondering how far it traveled and if anyone got to play hockey on it.    

Although it was cold throughout the day and a little bit difficult navigating through some small streets at times, I would happily trade in these inconveniences to have a chance to enjoy the next Vancouver edition of a Canadian winter with my family any day of the week. It was rare for us City Folk to experience the long stretch of winter and seeing everyone and their dogs enjoying the outdoors together. That is how I will remember the great winter storm of 2016. Spring is just around the corner so let's get ready for some family fun in the new year!